Intensive In-Home Services (IIH) under Medicaid
Intensive In-Home Services (IIH) is a program provided under Medicaid that offers comprehensive mental health and behavioral support to children and youth who have serious emotional disturbances or behavioral challenges. IIH is designed to provide services in the comfort and familiarity of the child’s own home, with the goal of preventing out-of-home placement, such as in a psychiatric hospital or residential treatment facility.
The specific details of the IIH program can vary from state to state, as Medicaid is a joint federal-state program, and each state has some flexibility in designing and implementing their programs.
Another significant purpose of these services is to assist families in resolving problems within the family unit rather than through outside placement. These programmes are based on the premise that the finest resource for growth and change exists within clients’ and their families’ existing strengths. Our services are dedicated to the preservation of the family unit.